Okke's blog

Friday, March 28, 2008

New laptop on it's way

Finally, I ordered a new laptop. I should've done that a year ago. My (now 2,5 years old) acer has been crashing frequently since then. The specs of the new one are great. It's a Dell XPS M1330, 2kg: 13,3" screen (1280x800) Core 2 duo T7250 (2ghz, 800mhz fsb) 4gb 667mhz DDR2 SDRAM Geforce 8400M 128mb video card And a crappy 160gb disk, which I'm going to replace with my old 100gb 7200rpm hdd. It cost me €970, which is a bargain. An apple with the same specs would cost 1400 euro orso.


  • Apparently the € symbol isn't rendered properly. We ❤ Unicode.

    By Blogger Carsten, at 29 March, 2008 00:07  

  • And the funny thing is, it does render in comment view. :p

    By Blogger Carsten, at 29 March, 2008 00:08  

  • Hmm, I'd better check the encoding on my site. The default content-headers formsma.nl is sending are probably some form of ASCII, and not unicode. It shows in the comment form, because those are hosted by blogger.

    By Blogger Okke, at 29 March, 2008 11:21  

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